Please remember you must have an application with us to adopt any of our wonderful dogs.
Ace is a 7 year old being fostered PA More info will come soon.
CAUSEWAY is an 11 month old male being fostered IL More info will come soon on Causeway.
ELSA is a 7 years being fostered in OK. Elsa has had a disappointing life so far. We are all hoping that Elsa finds her forever home soon, and that just might be the case. Indications are that Elsa may be a foster fail.
SOPHIE is a sweet 12.5 years currently being fostered in TN. Sophie wants to find a home where she can spend the rest of her life being loved.
SOCKEYE (SOCKS) is 4 years old. She is spayed, crate trained and house trained. She loves kids and loves playing fetch with a well worn tennis ball. Sockeye is being fostered in GA.
ROCCO is a senior that would love to hang out and spend some sofa time with a furever family. Rocco is a senior but still has giddy up left in his step. Rocco seems to have not issues with other doggies and cats.
MYRNA is having a difficult time adjusting to a real home life after living with 14 other dogs, but she is definitely coming along with her foster family. She’s not ready for adoption yet but will continue to keep you all updated on her progress.
TEDDY is 1 and a half years old and is settling in with his wonderful foster mom.
Teddy believes he’s president of the neighborhood watch and
takes the role very seriously, he is experiencing leash reactivity.
Teddy's most common levels of activity are napping like a little angel or let’s play and destroy a stuffed toy (baby shark mode).
He’s such a happy and sweet boy, and will be a great companion for his furever person(s)!!